Found This Somewhere Out There

Hey Dude, CheckThis Out

A man buys a huge new car and shows it to his neighbour. Its great saysthe neighbour but does it have a bed in like mine? But your car is tinysays the man. Yes but watch this, the neighbour presses a button on histiny car's dashboard and a bed unfolds. The man rushes back to the carshowroom and demands a bed be fitted to his new car. The next day the mantakes his huge car (now fitted with a bed) to show his neighbour but theneighbour is out. The man drives around looking for the neighbour and seeshis car parked up in a lay by with all the windows steamed up! The mangoes to the car and starts banging on the window. There is no signs ofthe neighbour and the windows are too steamed up to see inside. He bangsagain, and again and eventually the neighbour (naked) wipes a circle intothe steamed up window. "What the hell do you want?" "My car has a bed likeyours!"

"Christ! you got me out the shower to tell me that!!!"

Catch ya later